As a full length production commissioned by the Theater Vorpommern with both dancing and theater companies, performed in Theater Stralsund (Germany), Wie Weiter is a dance/theater performance which seeks an impact on people to react in social crises.

When dance and acting ensembles develop a piece together, dancers pick up the microphone and actors connect with the dance ensemble in joint choreographies. Following the season's motto "How to go on?", the two ensembles, together with choreographer Marc Jubete and acting director Annette Kuss, set out in search of a common narrative of crises and visions. The result is the story of a group of people who, after a catastrophe, manage to find safety in an empty building. But what happens next? How do people interact in such a situation? When and how do they find new hope? What group dynamics set in? A performative dance and spoken theater evening about destructive energies and the search for cohesion.